Inspired by the mysticism of Iran, this thesis can be thought of as the unfolding of a story: a story of me, you, and every other human being, each living at different stages of the plot.
This is the story of a lover, one who has been separated from his beloved; one who spends his entire life seeking his love. He climbs mountains, traverses deserts, and survives thunderstorms; nothing turns him from his chosen path. Through all his trials, he sustains the hope that he will genuinely perceive his lost love; gradually, he withdraws from everything except his longing for the beloved and chooses to dance and cry and chant and pray until he has drowned in desire for union with his love.
In our modern world, a significant number of traditional values have been dramatically manipulated, taking on new meanings and definitions quite different from their original or natural significance. Ideas such as selflessness, humility, and longing, among others, have seemingly lost value as a consequence of the frantic pace of modern life and replaced by self-centredness, greed, aridity, exteriority, which will have a direct impact on our surrounding environment. Let’s imagine a land in which selfishness is not a priority. Instead, replace it with a society driven by humane preferences. Would the architecture of that society still look like ours does today? Would it be as unsociable as it is in our so-called advanced civilization?